Imagine 2 AICI!
Imagine 3 AICI!
The Paragraph from Microsoft Office Word 2003 includes "Idents and Spacing" and "Line and Page Breaks".
About Idents and Spacing. (Identitati si Spatiere)
General :
- Alignment: (Left, Centered, Right, Justifed)
- Outline level: Nivel schita (Body Text, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, --//--, Level 9.
Indentation : (Indentare)
- Left: 0" - Stanga
- Right: 0" - Dreapta
- Special (Firstline, Hanging)
- By: 0"
Spacing : Spatiere
- Before: 0 pt - Inainte
- After: 0 pt - Dupa
- Line spaging : (Single, 1.5 lines, Double, At least, Exactly, Multiple)
- At:- La
About Line and Page Breaks.
Pagiation : Paginatie
- Windows/Orpah control - Ferestre/ Orpah control
- Keep lines together - Pastreaza liniile impreuna.
- Keep with next - Pastreaza cu urmatoarea.
- Page break before - Sfarsit de pagina inainte de
- Suppress line number - Suprima line numar.
- Don't hyphenate - Nu desparte in silabe.
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